Remuneration of the Supervisory Board members

The remuneration for Supervisory Board members is regulated in section 17 of the Articles of Association of Alexanderwerk AG in the version as adopted on July 6, 2023, which is available for download here.

The currently applicable remuneration system for Supervisory Board members with the particulars requires pursuant to section 113(3) sentence 3 and 87a (1) sentence 2 AktG is outlined in Annex TOP 8 and TOP 9 – Remuneration of the Supervisory Board attached to the invitation to the Annual General Meeting of July 28, 2022. Annex TOP 8 and TOP 9 – Remuneration of the Supervisory Board is available for download here.

The Annual General Meeting of Alexanderwerk AG of July 28, 2022 approved section 17 of the Articles of Association of Alexanderwerk AG in the version as amended on July 28, 2022 as well as the currently applicable remuneration system for Supervisory Board members with an approval rate of 79.98 %.

The Annual General Meeting of Alexanderwerk AG on July 28, 2022 also approved Section 17a of the Articles of Association of Alexanderwerk AG in the version dated July 28, 2022, which regulated a one-time recognition bonus to be paid to the Supervisory Board members for the 2022 financial year, with 83.11% approval. The Annual General Meeting of Alexanderwerk AG on July 6, 2023, repealed Section 17a of the Articles of Association of Alexanderwerk AG in the version dated July 28, 2022, as it had become dormant after the end of the 2022 financial year and the payment of the recognition bonus to the Supervisory Board members regulated therein. Section 17a is therefore no longer included in the current version of the Articles of Association of Alexanderwerk AG dated July 6, 2023; Section 17 has remained unchanged.

The remuneration reports for the individual financial years, in which the company reports, among other things, on the remuneration of the Supervisory Board in the respective financial year, is available for download here.

(Last updated: July 6, 2023)