Inside information

according to Article 17 MAR

Redaktion |

Changes in the Supervisory Board, Dividend

The Annual General Meeting of Alexanderwerk AG on September 6, 2024 has just elected Mr. Francisco José Carlon Clemente and Mr. Thomas Mariotti as new members of the Supervisory Board. As announced, Mr. Franz-Bernd Daum and Mr. Juergen F. Kullmann resigned from the Supervisory Board on conclusion of the Annual General Meeting.

In addition, the Annual General Meeting – contrary to the resolution proposed by HWT invest AG under item 2 of the agenda to distribute a dividend of EUR 1.00 per dividend-entitled share, and in accordance with the counter-proposal by shareholder Thomas Mariotti – resolved to distribute a dividend of EUR 1.46 per dividend-entitled share, i.e. a total amount of EUR 5,256,000.00. The remaining retained earnings of EUR 542.22 will be carried forward to new account.

Alexanderwerk AG
Executive Board